Just what are the accountabilities of the Scrum Master? Angela Johnson and Christian Antoine break it down!
At a recent user group event, I was humbled by the number of participants who mentioned that the best advice they received from me was to stop verbally throwing up Scrummy and Agile vocabulary on people.
Today’s business world is saturated with Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, and certifications. Everyone is “going Agile” (if they haven’t already). Companies across the globe are engaging Coaches to guide their organizations and teams.
Have you ever purchased a diet book or exercise program that promises good things such as getting in shape, losing weight or making your clothes fit better? “Yes, I want all of those things!” you tell yourself and make your purchase.
This book is for anyone in a Scrum Master or coach role who wants to improve their interpersonal skills. Angela shares her 15+ year journey out of project management and into Scrum. She leverages case studies from her experience to immerse the reader into the story.
When Toolitis sets in, the people doing the work are not empowered. Quite the opposite. The “Agile” software tools dictate processes to people. They start using phrases such as “This is the way [insert tool name here] makes us do things.
The reality of what you said is there is no priority. Priority means one thing is before something else. Which means people who have this lack of direction now are in a position of having to guess. Can you feel your credibility as a leader diminishing?