“At your own Pace…
…in your own Place!
Focus your Agile effort!
For You
Get the Everything Bundle!
Both of the Do Better programs for 1 special price! All the information right at your fingertips to access as many times as you’d like with NO recurring subscription! Click below to get your copy today!
On Demand Scrum Fundamentals: YOU get to choose the time, the pace and the place!
Shorter “micro bursts” of information can lead to greater retention. If your busy schedule
doesn’t allow you to take time off from work to attend classes, you get to choose the exact time
you watch the training modules
YOU set the pace. Want to pause something to take a note? Go ahead. Want to back up to listen
and watch something again … and again … and again – you have that control!
As a bonus, we’ll include action plans so that you create a retention plan and put it into action
Each video will go beyond any “how to” course and will include the why, what, who and when
for all things Scrum
Practical tips, examples and how to avoid anti-patterns are included throughout the program
Click HERE to learn more and to access Ignite Agility® Scrum Fundamentals
On a budget and looking for community? Join our FREE Ignite Agility community HERE.
How to do Even Better Scrum: Sizing + Refinement Practices
A $397 Value! Your price? $67 - buy now!
For anyone who has fallen into Story Point and Refinement Anti-Patterns!
Didn’t learn Capacity Planning or Budget forecasting in your Scrum Master or Product Owner class? We’ve got you covered in this program!
No paid voice actors - led by an experienced, Certified Scrum Trainer®
Earn PDUs + SEUs towards maintaining existing credentials
Duration: 110 min of content
Includes action plans to put ideas into practice
As a FREE bonus – capacity and budget worksheets plus Excel templates for a Sprint Burndown and Release Burndown Chart.
What People Are Saying:
I appreciate the approach that the Collaborative Leadership Team takes with their scrum training sessions. Very clear lessons that gave me tools to apply to real work situations right away.
Beth Luther Quast
Click HERE to learn more and to access Ignite Agility® Scrum Fundamentals
For Your Company
Our experience proves that in order to make any change permanent, multiple efforts must come together:
Strategic Conversation: Doing work differently will cause change to your organization. Are you ready for this? Is your Team ready for this?
Why/Metrics: What is your definition of success? Why are you in business? How do you measure success? Let's find your top metrics so we know what to impact.
Assessment: Where is your organization today? This is your baseline. In order to understand if we are achieving our goals, we have to know where we are starting
Customized Training Plan: You cannot copy another organization's transformation. Your culture, your teams, your products are different. We will build a customized training plan that will produce the "slow boil" change that is needed for a long-lasting impact.
Leadership Workshop: Transformations will only go as far as the Leaders are willing to take it. This training will get Leaders together to make sure we are all on the same page. Then we will produce a list of impediments that the Leaders will take responsibility for removing in order to help their Teams be more successful.
Agile Team Bootcamp: In 3-days, a full Team will build the Product Vision, Roadmap, Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and start Sprinting! This workshop combines instruction and exercises to give the team the opportunity to learn and work on REAL WORK!
Coaching onsite and real time for the Product Owner, Scrum Master, Leadership, and the Development Team.
The Outcome:
In 12 weeks, your Team will be trained, coached and have delivered 4-5 Sprints of work.
One flat fee for the entire 12-week program
Discounts Available for:
Certified ScrumMaster®
Certified Scrum Product Owner®
Certified Scrum Developer®
Advanced Certified ScrumMaster®
Facilitated Cross-Team Release Planning
LeSS® - Large Scale Scrum
Contact Us at info@coleadteam.com to get a customized plan for your team!